- SGTE - Scientific Group Thermodata Europe
- About SGTE
- History & Founders
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History & Founders
The Scientific Group Thermodata Europe was founded in 1979 by scientists of seven different organizations all around Europe:
- I. N. P. Grenoble:
Dr. I. Ansara, Dr. C. Bernard, Prof. E. Bonnier - Rhein-Westf. T. H., Aachen:
Dr. I. Barin, Prof. O. Knacke, Prof. O. Kubaschewski, Dr. P. J. Spencer - Thermodata, Grenoble:
Dr. Y. Deniel, Dr. A. Jacquot - Nat. Phys. Lab., London:
Dr. G. P. Jones - I. R. S. I. D., Maizières:
Dr. M. Olette, Dr. J-M. Steiler - A. E. R. E., Harwell:
Dr. M. H. Rand - Royal Inst. Technol., Stockholm:
Prof. M. Hillert, Dr. B. Uhrenius
The original letter of intent to the European Community can be seen here: