Conferences and Exhibitions related to Computational Thermochemistry

SGTE actively participates in international conferences on computational thermochemistry-related topics through its members. This includes

  • organization of symposia,
  • key note lectures and oral presentations,
  • poster presentations etc.


Upcoming conferences with SGTE participation


Please find all planned CALPHAD conferences here.

  • CALPHAD XLVIII, June 2nd-7th, 2019, Singapore



Conference review

The 46th CALPHAD conference has successfully been held in Saint Malo, France, in Summer 2017.

Among interesting presentations, posters, and discussions SGTE is particularily pleased that scientific work supported by SGTE has been awarded Best Paper 2017!

We congratulate Catherine Colinet and Jean-ClaudeTedenac on their work on

Enthalpies of formation of TM–X compounds (X=Al, Ga, Si, Ge, Sn). Comparison of ab-initio values and experimental data


Conference review

Hume Rothery Seminar 2017

The first Hume-Rothery Seminar, organised by the MCC in association with SGTE (Scientific Group Thermodata Europe), took place on Tuesday the 17th and Wednesday the 18th of January 2017. Around 50 Materials Scientists attended the meeting, which was held at The Riverside Centre, Derby, for two days of discussion on Phase Equilibria and Computational Materials Chemistry.

Please find more information and all presentations for download here.

Past conferences with SGTE participation

  • CALPHAD XLVIX, Stockholm, Sweden, May 22nd-May 27th, 2022
  • CALPHAD XLVIII, Singapore, June 2nd-June 7th, 2019
  • CALPHAD XLVII, Juriquilla, Mexico, May 27th-June 1st, 2018
  • CALPHAD XLVI, Saint Malo, France, June 11st-16th, 2017
  • CALPHAD XLV, Hyogi, Japan, May 29th-June 3rd, 2016
  • CALPHAD XLIV, Loano, Italy, May 31st-June 5th, 2015
  • MSE 2014 (Materials Science & Engineering), Darmstadt, Germany, September 23rd-25th, 2014: Symposium on Computational Thermochemistry and Kinetics
  • CALPHAD XLIII, Changsha, Hunan, China, June 1st-6th, 2014